
Search Common Questions

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Can I get a refund or defer registration?2025-03-09T14:08:36-04:00
No. Deferments are not offered for this race.
If you are unable to attend, you can use the Insurance Claim if you chose to purchase this during registration. Alternatively, you can transfer your bib to another person. Many runners post requests for bibs and bibs for sale in our Facebook Group. The bib must be transferred via the online transfer platform in your RunSignup profile so that the new registrant’s data is attached to that registration in order for them to receive a bib at packet pickup and be allowed to race. Do not just give your bib to someone without following the online transfer process fully. — View the bib transfer tutorial.
What hotels are available for runners?2024-12-02T18:04:44-05:00

Many hotels are located minutes from the University of Toledo Campus. In addition we have a Hotel Booking Engine to help you locate area hotels that have partnered with our event.

Are there pacers for this year’s marathon?2024-04-23T13:50:42-04:00

Yes, Dave’s Running Shop will be coordinating all of the pacing responsibilities. The pacer times will be published on the Pacing Page upon confirmation of pacers.

Our pacing crew continues to grow by demand each year. Our goal is to provide pacers for as many of the common BQ marathon times we can, as well as many in the half marathon. The times we are hoping to fill are listed on our pacing page and are considered firm, but not concrete.

If you are an experienced pacer and are interested in supporting runners at GCM, please e-mail [email protected] us for info. GCM is looking to deliver the best experience as possible to our runners, and quality pacers help do that.

In what areas can I volunteer?2024-03-25T13:05:41-04:00

We have the need for many volunteers during race week, and there are many tasks and timeframes from which to choose. Volunteers are asked to signup online in order to receive a shirt and be included in informational emails leading up to race day.

There is no better way to give back to your community and have fun doing it than by becoming a Mercy Health Glass City Marathon volunteer. It is only through the efforts of thousands of volunteers that the Glass City Marathon happens. Enjoy the satisfaction of helping to promote healthy living and to aid in raising funds for local charities. Every volunteer receives a FREE Glass City Marathon shirt.

There are volunteer opportunities in the weeks leading up to the event, on the day of the expo, and on race day with most volunteer activities only requiring a commitment of 4 hours or less. Help us to continue the long tradition of the Glass City Marathon by volunteering.

It takes over 1,000 volunteers to orchestrate and support the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon events. There are volunteer positions for every type of person. Whether you want to be at the center of the competition or behind the scenes. It’s also a great way for families, clubs, and civic groups to participate in a great community event. For students looking to earn community service hours, volunteering earns both hours and a free shirt. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator for more information.

Where is gear check located?2024-03-23T20:25:46-04:00

Gear check will be located on the campus side of the road between corral 1 and 2, at the start line on Sunday morning. Gear will be moved to lot 10 Celebration Village for pick up after you finish.

What do I need to pickup a race packet?2023-04-20T19:05:31-04:00

You may pickup your own, or anyone else’s, race packet at the expo by presenting the barcode from each persons’ registration confirmation email.  If you need to print a new one, log into your RunSignUp account and scroll to upcoming races, then choose the “resend confirmation email” link. The same information will be required for VIP packet pickup.

What flavor of sports drink is served on the course?2023-04-18T17:33:47-04:00

Lemon-Lime Gatorade

Can I walk the half marathon?2023-04-18T17:33:05-04:00

Yes, provided you complete the course within the allotted timeframe. The cutoff is strictly enforced and sag vehicles will be available should you not be able to complete the course in time.

How long does the course and finish line stay open?2023-04-18T17:31:59-04:00

The marathon course limit is 6.5 hours and has two mandatory checkpoints. Should you not meet the two checkpoints, you will be escorted to a sag vehicle. You must maintain a minimum pace to complete within the 6.5 hour time limit. Those who continue on must sign a release waiver and turn in their BIB number to continue as a citizen.

All limits will begin at the time of each wave start. So, if you’re in the final wave, your 6.5 hour countdown will begin when you cross the start line.

This is a competitive race with an expected finish time of 6.5 hours or less. Because we hire police and security from 5 jurisdictions, it is important that we comply with the time limits set.

Runners planning on finishing the race must be through mile 10 by 9:10pm. Please be considerate of our volunteers who begin their day as early as 3:00am. We do our best to score every runner and do not sweep the course; however we do modify the finish area at the 6.5 hour point. The checkpoint timing mats are also removed at the 6.5 hour mark.

When will I receive my bib number?2023-04-18T17:29:43-04:00

Bib numbers will be dynamically assigned to each participant during packet pickup. In-person runners will not receive a bib number prior to packet pickup. Virtual participants will receive their bib in the mail prior to race day.

Port-A-Johns – how many and where?2023-04-18T17:28:43-04:00

There are at least 125 port-a-johns located around the course. There will be several banks located at each start line, in lot 10 after the finish and at locations around the course near each water stop. View locations in our event guide.

Does the Relay Require 5 People?2023-04-17T14:41:46-04:00

Yes. This is a 5-person event. All five spots on your team must be registered prior to packet pickup in order to receive any team BIBs. BIBs are required to run the race. If someone drops out last minute, consider shifting the legs to have anyone run multiple consecutive legs. Also consider asking someone already registered for the half or full marathon to register for the relay and run one of the legs for your team. If expo day arrives and you’re still not able to field a full team, consider transferring to another event if spots remain. Online transfer period ends April 19th.

Are there energy gels on the course?2023-03-30T18:02:37-04:00

Yes. There will be Honey Stinger energy gel available on the course. View hydration and nutrition locations here.

What does the race benefit?2023-03-30T18:02:00-04:00

We’re better together. Since 2009, we’ve donated nearly $1M to local nonprofits. Our goal is to contribute to several area charities and youth running scholarships. Visit our charities page to view all nonprofits and links for contributing to these charities.

How soon after the race end can I expect my results and certificate?2022-05-05T21:15:09-04:00

Results are available shortly after you cross the finish line, via the live leaderboard and results page on our website. You can also scan the QR code on your BIB. Finisher certificates are available for everyone via their individual results page.

Can I start one race then finish on a different course if I can’t go the distance?2022-05-05T21:12:47-04:00

No. If you cannot finish the race you’ve started for any reason, we have safety personnel on the course that will help you. You may transfer to another event prior to the deadline, provided the event is not sold out.

How will awards be available? Will they be mailed? Can I pick them up after race day?2022-04-19T18:58:21-04:00

All cash awards will be mailed upon receipt of appropriate documentation for tax purposes. Age group awards will be mailed after the official race results are tallied. Finisher medals are given as you cross the finish line, and can be engraved/personalized in the tent in lot 10 after the race (pre-pay via your RunSignUp profile for fastest service).

Do you offer text alerts?2022-04-19T18:53:22-04:00
Where can I park on race day?2022-04-19T18:52:24-04:00

There are many parking lots available on campus. As with any major event, expect delays and road closures and plan accordingly, so that you arrive to the start on time. We will do our best to communicate which roads will be closed and at what time.

Can I transfer registration, drop to a shorter race, etc?2021-12-13T17:55:44-05:00

If you find you can’t participate in the original race of your choice:

Option 1 — transfer to an alternate race (view how-to video), so long as there is availability in the event requested. Any additional fees will be presented during checkout.  Login to your profile –> My Registered Races –> Mercy Health Glass City Marathon –> Click “manage registration” –> Click “transfer event” –> RunSignUp will then walk you through the rest of the process.

Option 2 — transfer your registration to another person. Login to your profile –> My Registered Races –> Mercy Health Glass City Marathon –> Click “manage registration” –> Click “transfer to another runner” –> RunSignUp will then walk you through the rest of the process.

Go Virtual — transfer your registration to a virtual option. Login to your profile –> My Registered Races –> Mercy Health Glass City Marathon –> Click “manage registration” –> Click “transfer event” –> RunSignUp will then walk you through the rest of the process.

Any changes need to be self-managed by 4/15. Starting 4/16, bib/event transfers can be requested by emailing [email protected], but are not guaranteed to be available.

Can I run the relay and another event?2021-08-25T23:12:55-04:00

Yes, you may run any leg of the relay as well as marathon. You must register for both events and teams must be filled to receive bibs at packet pickup. Half marathoners may run either the first or second leg of the relay and continue on through the half marathon course.

Who gets a medal?2021-08-25T23:11:40-04:00

All registrants will receive a finisher medal and glass mug with registration.

Can I have on course support of any kind?2021-08-25T23:04:07-04:00

No. This would be considered outside assistance by USATF rules, and therefore not permitted. 

Why does my GPS watch show that I ran farther than the course is supposed to be?2021-04-25T19:01:35-04:00

Our courses are certified to length by USATF standards. GPS tracking increases variance and a most runners will not run true/perfect tangents to maintain the most accurate reading either. When moving around other runners, changing lanes for water stops, gel, ports-johns, additional mileage is being accrued over the measured course. It’s not unusual to see variances in GPS distances from .2 to .5 and sometimes more, depending on the length of the race and how “on course” one stayed.

Is the marathon a Boston qualifier?2021-02-25T17:42:36-05:00

Yes, the Glass City Marathon course is regularly a top top 25 Boston qualifier race, with over 22% of our marathon finishers meeting thier qualifying time. — View Current Boston Marathon Qualifying Times

What are the age limits for all events?2021-02-25T17:42:34-05:00

You must be at least 16 years old to enter the marathon. The half marathon is open to those 13 years and older. The 5k is open to individuals 6 years and older. A parent or guardian must sign a waiver if participant is under 18. The annual kid’s races are limited to ages 12 and under.

Are headphones allowed?2021-02-25T17:42:12-05:00

The use of personal music devices is strongly discouraged at this race. To enjoy all that our race has to offer and for the safety of all participants, The Glass City Marathon encourages a headphone-free environment during the running of all our races.

Are strollers allowed on the courses?2021-02-25T17:42:05-05:00

The safety of runners and children are of the utmost importance to us. While strollers are not prohibited, it is recommended that those choosing to run with strollers start at the back of the field. Strollers are allowed in the 5K event, ONLY.

Need more info or have questions?2021-02-25T17:41:58-05:00

Please email your question to [email protected].

Other Registration Questions?2021-02-25T17:41:56-05:00

Please email your question to [email protected].

What is the temperature?2021-02-25T17:41:52-05:00

Temperatures are historically in the low 40 to 55 degree range here in late April. We are in the midwest, so recommend you pack for colder temperatures at the start line and possible inclement weather; dress in layers that you can discard at the start line or checkpoint/water stops. All discarded apparel will be donated.

Do you offer paper registration?2021-02-25T17:41:36-05:00

We do not offer registration by phone or mail-in registration forms. If you are hesitant to enter your information online, consider buying a credit card gift card at a local retailer and use it to complete registration. This way you’re not entering any personal banking information during registration.

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