GCM TOLEDO Prize Money • Awards • Medals

Results will be posted within a reasonable time to determine age group awards, so you can celebrate soon after the race. Awards will be mailed to all recipients in the weeks following the race. Participants in each event will receive a medal and commemorative glass mug after crossing the finish line in the University of Toledo Glass Bowl Stadium. There will be a ceremony on the PNC Stage in lot #10 to recognize each of the overall winners of each event. — Participants are not eligible for multiple awards.

Prize Money & Awards

Up to $6,700 will be distributed to the top 5 runners overall and the overall runner in the masters division.

Prize money awards are equal for men and women. Prize money distribution is based upon gun time results for overall and masters division.

A review of the results will occur prior to prize money disbursements. Decisions of the race referee and jury of appeal are final and cannot be contested. Allow 4-6 weeks for cash prizes.

Overall Cash Prizes

Place Amount
First $1,000
Second $800
Third $600
Fourth $400
Fifth $300

Master Division Cash Prizes

Place Amount
First $250

Masters division competitors are defined as being 40 years old and older.

Masters division runners are NOT eligible for both overall prize money awards and masters division prize money awards. If a masters division runner qualifies for both, he or she will receive the greater of the two amounts.

Handcycle participants are not eligible to receive awards in the push rim wheelchair division.

Additional Marathon Prize Incentives

The first runner to break a course record will receive a match of the overall first place prize money. Each subsequent runner to break a course record in the same race, will receive $250 bonus.

Age Group Awards — Individuals

The first, second and third place finishers in the following age groups for both men and women will receive awards:

16-19 • 20-24 • 25-29 • 30-34 • 35-39 • 40-44 • 45-49 • 50-54 • 55-59 • 60-64 • 65-69 • 70-74 • 75-79 • 80+

Prize Money & Awards

Up to $4,600 will be distributed to the top 5 runners overall and the overall runner in the masters division. Prize money awards are equal for men and women.

Prize money distribution is based upon gun time results for overall and masters division.

A review of the results will occur prior to prize money disbursements. Decisions of the race referee and jury of appeal are final and cannot be contested. Allow 4-6 weeks for cash prizes.

Overall Cash Prizes

Place Amount
First $750
Second $600
Third $400
Fourth $250
Fifth $150

Master Division Cash Prizes

Place Amount
First $75

Masters division competitors are defined as being 40 years old and older.

Masters division runners are NOT eligible for both overall prize money awards and masters division prize money awards. If a masters division runner qualifies for both, he or she will receive the greater of the two amounts.

Additional Half Marathon Prize Incentives

First male and female to break the current half marathon course record wins an additional $100

Age Group Awards — Individuals

The first, second and third place finishers in the following age groups for both men and women will receive awards:

13-15 • 16-19 • 20-24 • 25-29 • 30-34 • 35-39 • 40-44 • 45-49 • 50-54 • 55-59 • 60-64 • 65-69 • 70-74 • 75-79 • 80+

There are no cash awards for relay teams. Decisions of the race referee and jury of appeal are final and cannot be contested.

Group Awards

The first, second and third place teams in the following groups will receive awards:

ALL MALE — (Open, Masters*)
ALL FEMALE — (Open, Masters*)
MIXED — Minimum of 2 females (Open, Masters*)
*All team members must meet the age criteria to be entered in the Masters Division.

FAMILY — Any combination from one family (Family or Relations)
CORPORATION — Any combination from one corporation
SCHOOL — Any combination from one school, faculty or students


Awards are equal for men and women.

Awards distribution is based upon gun time results for overall and masters division.

Decisions of the race referee and jury of appeal are final and cannot be contested.

Overall Awards

Overall Winner $300
Second Place $200
Third Place $100

Masters Division Awards

Overall Masters Winner $75

Masters division competitors are defined as being 40 years old and older.

Masters division runners are NOT eligible for both overall awards and masters division awards. If a masters division runner qualifies for both, he or she will receive the greater of the two amounts.

Additional 5K Prize Incentives

First male and female to break the current 5K course record wins an additional $100

Age Group Awards — Individuals

The first, second and third place finishers in the following age groups for both men and women will receive awards:

9 & under • 10-14 • 15-19 • 20-24 • 25-29 • 30-34 • 35-39 • 40-44 • 45-49 • 50-54 • 55-59 • 60-64 • 65-69 • 70-74 • 75-79 • 80+

*Athletes must attend post-race award ceremony to be eligible for cash prizes (which will be mailed).


Alsu Lenneman

Half Marathon

Alyssa McElheny


Amanda Melvin

Half Marathon

Angela Jenny


Anna Clayton

Half Marathon

Anna Zblewski

Half Marathon

Ashton Swinford


Ben Towler


Brian Putre


Charles Bedley


Erin Hudson

Half Marathon

Chelsy Woods


Corey Nagler


Evan Gaynor


Garrett Crichlow


Hannah Wymer

Half Marathon

Jennifer Prentice


John Burchfield

Half Marathon

Jonathon Priebe

Half Marathon

Josh Lumani

Half Marathon

Karen Bertassa


Kathleen Lawrence


Kayla Hughes


Kim Brown


Kim Krezonoski

Half Marathon

Maria Luevano Salazar


McKenna Jackson

Half Marathon

Nathaniel Orndorf

Half Marathon

Nicholas Arnecke

Half Marathon

Ryan Corby

Half Marathon

Ryan McCartney

Half Marathon

Shannen Murray

Half Marathon

Samantha Simonson


Spencer Mahon



The Mercy Health Glass City Marathon and Owens Corning Half Marathon invite athletes to inquire about participation in our event. The race will distribute complimentary entries based on demonstrated past performance. Elite BIB placement is limited and these participants will receive placement in the front of the pack at the beginning of the race.

Each request must provide the web address for the race results that document a comparable performance recorded within the last two years. Please note that the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon does not provide appearance fees, hotel accommodations or travel reimbursement.





Elite Male 2:30 1:10
Elite Male Masters 2:40 1:15
Elite Female 3:00 1:25
Elite Female Masters 3:12 1:30



Jason Salyer 2:20:27.17 (2023)
Rachel Hannah 2:40:13.84 (2023)


Ryan Corby 2:22:53.02 (2023)
Maria Lindberg 2:49:49.67 (2023)


John Gathaiya 01:03:47 (2017)
Cynthia Limo 1:12:19.08 (2023)


Richard Kessio 1:06:27 (2016)
Hidi Gaff 1:21:53.78 (2023)


Fernando Cervantes Caudilo 14:35.68 (2022)
Megan Drews 17:23.56 (2021)


Julius Kiptoo 16:16 (2019)
Suzanne Larsen 19:43.84 (2022)


In compliance with USA Track & Field competition rules, the possession or use by athletes of video, audio, or communications devices of any kind in the competition area is prohibited. Those competing in championships for awards, medals, or prize money may not use such devices. (e.g. no headphones or AirPods, etc.)

Zero-Tolerance Policy

The Toledo RoadRunners Club has a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDS). Any athlete who has been determined to have violated anti-doping rules or policies and is currently serving suspension, whether enforced by the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), or any other national sports federation is ineligible to compete for any prizes associated with events sponsored by the Toledo RoadRunners Club. The Toledo RoadRunners Club reserves the right to conduct pre and post-competition testing for any and all performance enhancing drugs (PEDS) listed on the current WADA Prohibited List. Any athlete who refuses to submit to anti-doping controls, if selected for testing, shall be disqualified and subject to a lifetime ban from any Toledo RoadRunners event.


The open Elite application entry deadline remains open until fields are full (*the elite women’s marathon field is now full). We will announce the selected field in a January press release. Elite application registration will remain open until field capacity reached (top 2% of field up to 40 in marathon and 60 in half marathon). The final deadline for applications is March 15th. No applications will be considered if received after this date.

    Your Gender? MaleFemale

    Provide the web address for race results that document a comparable performance recorded within the last two years.

    In which event do you wish to participate? (* required)
    Mercy Health Glass City MarathonOwens Corning Half Marathon

    How many times have you run Glass City in the past?

    Have you previously won the Glass City Marathon? YesNo

    If so, what year/s did you win the Glass City Marathon?

    Have you previously won the Owens Corning Half Marathon? YesNo

    If so, what year/s did you win Half Marathon?

    How long have you been competitively running?

    Are you represented by a coach or agent? YesNo

    How did you hear about the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon?